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smp labschool upi profile

brief history

On August 4, 2003, there was an important event in the journey of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, which was to hand over KORPRI Middle School and High School from the KORPRI Welfare Foundation to the UPI Chancellor. The event marked the re-realization of an old idea, namely the presence of a laboratory school in the midst of a college which one of its activities has been pursuing education and science.


In 1964, Junior High School was established which was followed by a high school presence. Everything functions as a Laboratory School. In 1964, LabSchool UPI High School was made a Pioneer Development School Project (PPSP). Until 1984 and in 1986 the Elementary School was set up as the Setia Budhi State Elementary School which was temporarily located on the UPI campus, while the Middle School was made into 38th and High School Middle Schools as Public Schools 20. The Pilot Laboratory School was a need for UPI to examine, develop and test various innovations and findings in the field of educational science, both model and theoretical and practical education of the UPI Pilot Laboratory School which includes kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school which was inaugurated by the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia on the 20th of October, Indonesia .



SMP Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung


Public School


Jl. Senjayaguru No. 1 Kampus UPI Bandung 40154

telephone no.:

(022) 2012 805

number and names of sections

per class / grade level:

Grade 7A- 7F

Grade 8A- 8E

Grade 9A- 9E


Number and names of Faculties and Staff:

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1. Develop a school environment that is healthy, neat, clean, safe, and comfortable.


2. Growing discipline, a sense of family, and religious enthusiasm for all school members.


3. Developing management of school management that is effective, efficient, democratic in good governance, and accountable.


4. Develop effective learning that is active, creative, efficient, and fun.


5. Optimizing the teaching and learning process and guidance to students.


6. Increasing students' academic and non-academic achievements in accordance with the development of science and technology and the demands of the community.


7. Developing culture: likes to read, likes to memorize, curiosity, tolerance, cooperation,      mutual respect, honesty, hard work, creativity and independence.


8. Fostering the independence of students through habituation, entrepreneurship, and planned and sustainable self-development.


9. Prepare graduates who are competitive, reliable, resilient, and responsive nationally and internationally.


The realization of schools that excel in achievement, character and environmentally friendly.

Academic Support System

1.  In SMP Lab school UPI, they go to great lengths to make sure that each student has every opportunity to succeed.


2.  They also support students who are experiencing academic difficulty should be proactive in seeking help. They should meet with their teacher to discuss their problem, monitor their progress, and receive information about the evaluation.


3.  They also have a counseling guidance as well as Tutoring and Learning Center to assist their students in their academic pursuits.

Teaching System

Their teaching system depends on the teacher’s strategies and techniques on how they will deliver the lesson. They prefer to give an activity during the end of the lesson, to assess students. In SMP Labschool UPI every class period was consist of 2 hours, but the time setting is different, 1 hour of teaching in Indonesia is equivalent to 40 minutes.

Materials and other learning sources

The learning resources they use are textbooks (digital and non-digital), audiovisual materials, and other materials that teachers use to assist students to meet the expectations for learning defined by provincial or local curricula. They also have a lot of facilities such as library, computer room, and laboratory rooms.




computer room

laboratory room

Measurement and Evaluation System

1. Their evaluation system has three components. Namely, attitude assessment, knowledge assessment, and skills assessment.


2. Attitude assessment is intended as an assessment of the behavior of students in the learning process which includes spiritual and social attitudes


3. Knowledge assessment is done by measuring students' mastery which includes the dimensions of factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge in various levels of thought processes.


4. Skills assessment is carried out by performance assessment techniques, project appraisal, and portfolio.


The curriculum they are using is the 2013 curriculum in accordance with recommendations from the government.

The curriculum used is the national curriculum and local content specified by the school. To approve the mastery of extracurricular teaching materials, additional lesson jams are provided containing co-curricular activities in several subjects, namely English (Bilingual Teaching), Japanese, Mathematics, and Al-Quran reading and writing.


This is the sample of their teaching plan:


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